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How To Last Longer In Bed Naturally Food In 2024

How To Last Longer In Bed Naturally Food In 2024

The connection between feeling full after a meal and sexual arousal is not something that most of us would typically associate with each other. It is commonly believed that consuming a large amount of food before engaging in sexual activity can lead to a less-than-satisfying experience.

However, there is an exception to this belief in the form of aphrodisiacs – foods that are said to enhance desire and arousal. But how effective are these so-called sex-benefitting foods? This question is not easily answered.

While the scientific community has been studying the potential benefits of certain foods for many years, none have been proven to instantly transform a hungry man into a perpetually aroused one. Nevertheless, there is some cautious evidence suggesting that certain foods can improve erectile function, stamina, and arousal.

In the following sections, we will explore what you can realistically expect from foods that claim to enhance sexual performance, identify the top 12 foods that show the most promise in boosting libido, and provide advice on what you should actually do if you want to improve your endurance in bed. (Hint: Simply eating these foods is not enough).

Can Foods Help You Last Longer?

Despite the desire to believe that simply finding the right aisle at Trader Joe’s can enhance your intimate activities, the relationship between food and stamina is not as straightforward as one might hope. Contrary to popular belief, consuming excessive amounts of bananas or raw garlic will not double your stamina. In fact, the garlic may even hinder your sexual experiences unless you have a very potent toothpaste.

It is important to note that food is not a proven remedy for premature ejaculation (PE) either. While a few foods have been explored for their potential benefits in treating PE, it is advisable to seek other established treatment options such as specific antidepressants or techniques to improve orgasm control.

When it comes to erectile dysfunction (ED), which can also impact stamina, there is a higher-level connection between ED and diet, as well as weight and lifestyle. While certain foods do not act as direct medications for ED, research has shown that shifting away from an unhealthy diet that includes certain fats, high-cholesterol foods, and sugar can improve erectile function.

For men experiencing a decline in health due to aging, making a few dietary changes can have a positive impact. Healthy foods offer additional benefits such as vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, and essential nutrients that support erectile function and reduce inflammation. It is like having a comprehensive blueprint for your entire body, which ultimately contributes to a fulfilling sex life. Think of healthy foods as essential electrical lines that provide energy and vital nutrients.

While it is possible that in the future, certain foods may be discovered to have magical properties, for now, it is best to view food as part of an overall plan for maintaining erectile health, along with sufficient sleep and regular exercise.

12 Foods to Last Longer

Your diet is an essential part of your health, from your ability to breathe and pump blood through your body to your penis’s ability to use that blood to form an erection. So think of the health benefits of food as a positive trickle-down effect for your sex life.

According to science, the best foods to help you last longer in bed are:

  • Banana
  • Beets
  • Garlic
  • Fatty fish
  • Oysters
  • Blueberries
  • Dark chocolate
  • Avocados
  • Nuts
  • Honey
  • Watermelon
  • Pomegranate

Let’s look at why each of these foods made the list in more detail.

Bananas are rich in potassium, which is well-known for its role in various bodily functions. This includes heart, nerve and muscle contraction — all of which are necessary for your penis to get hard, stay hard and reach orgasm.

Maintaining healthy blood pressure levels is important for overall cardiovascular health and potentially sexual stamina, as potassium deficiency has been linked to vascular disease and high blood pressure.

A substantial amount of research has suggested that beets (and the nitrates they contain) can lower blood pressure and should be part of a healthy diet for people with hypertension.

There’s no study about their sexual benefits specifically, but since nitrates convert to the nitric oxide needed for blood vessel dilation, you can draw a cautious line between a beet and your meat.

We know garlic isn’t the best breath ingredient for your romantic life. But since it contains compounds like allicin that promote blood vessel dilation and increase nitric oxide production, it’s a potential superfood for your penis’s blood flow. Improved blood circulation may indirectly support sexual stamina.

Fatty Fish
Switching a steak out for salmon might point your dessert plans in the right direction. Fatty fish like salmon, mackerel and tuna are incredibly beneficial for heart health and (potentially) sexual performance because they’re high in omega-3 fatty acids and contain zinc, which can encourage healthy blood flow.

Oysters are known to be an aphrodisiac, and there’s actually some science behind why. First, they’re a rich source of zinc, which (in addition to the benefits we’ve already mentioned) is important for testosterone production — an essential ingredient of sexual desire.

It should be noted, though, that dietary zinc isn’t really going to provide testosterone benefits unless you have an existing deficiency. Still, they’re quite tasty, even if the sexual perks don’t hold up.

Blueberries are rich in antioxidants, flavonoids, zinc and a heap of other beneficial nutrients. Flavonoid-rich foods have been associated with lower ED rates. Between that and the other nutritional benefits, it makes sense to pack your fruit plate, breakfast and any other snacking opportunities with as many of these little guys as possible.

Learn about another fruit with potential benefits in our blog on the sexual benefits of mangos.

Dark Chocolate
Dark chocolate may not be as “fun” as its milky cousin, but since it contains flavonoids that improve blood flow, it’s the better option for a sex-focused chocolate fan.

Improved blood circulation may have a positive impact on sexual function and potentially contribute to improved endurance. Oh, and fun fact: If you dip strawberries in chocolate, you’ll receive added benefits from vitamin C, which some experts believe improves sex drive.

While we can’t draw a direct line between avocado toast and better sex, there’s more to it than the influencers may believe. Avocados contain healthy fats and vitamin E, both of which can promote cardiovascular health and improve blood flow.

And avocado consumption has been generally associated with better metabolic function, meaning people who eat them are often less likely to be obese.

A bag of snack mix might offer a few sexual benefits if you’re willing to pick through for the good stuff. Specifically, nuts and seeds contain omega-3 fatty acids and zinc, both of which contribute to cardiovascular health while helping you maintain proper blood flow — potentially supporting sexual performance.

Honey’s well-known aphrodisiac properties are limited on the science. However, its natural sugars for energy may contribute to a general sense of well-being, and some studies have linked honey to a protective role in cardiovascular and reproductive health.

So yes, reach for honey instead of sugar when you can, but don’t go full bear on the local hive — the stings will be the only thing that instantly swells.

Watermelon is rich in an amino acid called citrulline, which is converted to arginine in the body, where it helps relax blood vessels and may improve blood flow. Watermelon also contains lycopene, which may have anti-cancer and anti-obesity benefits, according to one 2014 study.

There’s no link between pomegranate and PE, but pomegranate juice may have antioxidant and cardiovascular benefits associated with better erectile function. Some studies indicate it may improve erectile function and blood flow, though more research is needed, and the existing study from 2007 looked at just 53 men.

Foods to Eat Before Sex: Final Thoughts

While these foods may have potential benefits, it’s crucial to recognize that sexual stamina is a complex issue influenced by various physical, psychological and interpersonal factors.

Don’t look at the above list of foods as the recipe for an erectile witch’s brew. Instead, just consider incorporating more of them into your diet on a regular basis. Even if the “erectile potential” of each food isn’t supported by future research, they’re still great for your health.

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